Learn more about the UN Global Compact

We are the world's largest voluntary corporate sustainability initiative, based on universal principles to help achieve global goals.

The UN Global Compact

As a special initiative of the Secretary General of the United Nations, the UN Global Compact (also sometimes referred to as the Global Compact) is a call for companies around the world to align their operations and strategies with Ten Principles in the areas of human rights, labor rights, environment and anti-corruption. With more than 17,000 business and 3,000 non-business participants based in more than 160 countries, the UN Global Compact is the world's largest corporate sustainability initiative - a Global Compact uniting business for a better world.

The Global Compact and the United Nations System

The United Nations Global Compact was launched in 2000 by UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan with an explicit mandate to "promote United Nations values ​​and responsible business practices within the United Nations system and among the global business community". 

The Ten Principles of the Global Compact derive from the main Conventions and Declarations of the United Nations, which have been recognized and endorsed in numerous Resolutions of the General Assembly of the United Nations, among which the biennial resolution "Towards global partnerships of Partnership : A principled approach to enhancing cooperation between the United Nations and all relevant partners". The United Nations Global Compact is also referenced in intergovernmentally agreed frameworks that are critical to achieving the  Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda , such as the Addis Ababa Action Agenda and the Sendai for Disaster Risk Reduction. 

Today, the United Nations Global Compact calls on companies to raise their ambition and scale their positive impact. The initiative is specially prepared to help companies at any stage of their path towards sustainability -from beginners to the most advanced leaders-, which means that we must speak the language of companies, while still representing the values ​​and principles of the United Nations.

The Global Compact is officially chaired by the Secretary General of the United Nations,  António Guterres , in his role as Chairman of the Board. Deputy Secretary General  Sanda Ojiambo leads the Global Compact from her role as CEO. 

For more information on how the Global Compact works within the UN system and its governance system, click  here 

The Global Compact in New Zealand

In August 2023 the UN Global Compact commenced its direct operations in New Zealand, operating under the mandate and guidelines of the global office based in New York and the regional office for Asia and Oceania, guided by the principles and values ​​of the UN, and supported at all levels by the United Nations System.

A Country Manager role represents the initiative in the country, encouraging companies throughout New Zealand to raise their ambitions in terms of sustainability and scale their positive impact through strategic alliances.

Today, 20 New Zealand participants have joined the UN Global Compact - you can view all New Zealand participants here.

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